Blythe, to - (definition) Usually used in the form "We're Blything", versatile phrase. Depending on the context can be either good or bad. To do a mundane activity as a group with either really negative or really positive energy. (usage) DK *over the phone*: So what are we doing today? CS *with emptiness in his voice*: We're Blything.
Doctors and Lawyers - (definition) Referring to the large influx of doctors and lawyers who came to the United Kingdom by dinghy over the past decade or so. You know who they are. (usage) DK: Why are there no fucking jobs on this shitty rainy rock man? CS: It's because of all those doctors and lawyers coming over.
Eldorado - (definition) Based on the ELO album by the same name, it refers to a man's dream world, often involving some amount of adventuring and or swords. (usage) CS: We should go on a far eastern expedition... DK: That's Eldorado.
Gogg - (definition) Slur towards the slimiest man you know, rich to the point he does not understand what cheap means anymore, never keeps to his word, always looking for a way to betray you and play the victim. (usage) CS: Yeah, you know how I said we should go drinking today? I can't make it. WW: Don't be a Gogg bro...
Grab Yourself By The Balls - (definition) To pull through with a difficult task, usually shouted from one person to another. Phrase lifted from Joey Diaz. (usage) CS: I don't think I'll go to the gym today man, I'm tired... WW: GRAB YOURSELF BY THE BALLS, MADAFAKAAAA!
Hyperstition - (definiton) Originally a term coined by Nick Land in his time as the leader of the CCRU. It's a portmanteu of "Hyper" and "Superstition" meant to describe an idea whose existance alone turns it into reality, or, better put, a meme which memes itself into reality. (usage) CS:
Ilicet - (definiton) The Latin word for "It's so over". First used on Tumblr, of all places. (usage) WW: Fuck... We are out of beer. CS: Ilicet...
Maika Ti Da Eba - (definition) The Bulgarian for "Fuck your mother". Often used with a "Mo" instead of the "Ti" as to mean "their" mother. (usage) WW *over the phone to a stranger, 3 beers in*: MAIKA TI DA EBAAAAAHH
Nos Redimus - (definition) The Latin for "We are back". The counterpart to Ilicet, developed by the WW. Could also mean "We have been redeemed". In response to it, one must reply "Nos ita redimus", meaning "We are so back" (usage) CS: We are officially at 312 seats. WW: NOS REDIMUS CS: NOS ITA REDIMUS
Pigeon Chest - (definition) A pigeon chested guy is any fella whopuffs his chestwhile having no muscle to make him feel even remotely intimidating. In fact, this sort of guy doesn't have muscle in any timeline where you meet him. Very sad sight. Often a sign of fatherlessness. (usage) CS: What the fuck was wrong with that guy man? DK: Pigeon Chest? He was probably trying to impress that chick he was with.
Pussy Fire, That - (definition) Originally "You just KNOW that pussy fire" Said in reference to spotting a room with coloured lighting while walking down the street, usually pink. The idea behind it is that such a room is either that of an e-girl or a gamer, as those are the only people who use LED-lights in their room. (usage) WW: Yoo look over there. DK: That pussy FIRE, boy, you know it.
Tube Madafaka - (definiton) Often used as "tube-looking madafaka" this term refers to the physical British archetype of a young man with close to zero muscle mass and body fat. Generaly lanky man. (usage) CS: Yo, look at those two, literally how? DK: I don't know man, in this country you always see tube-looking madafakas with girlfriends somehow.
Woman Machine, The - (definition) The mechanism which kicks in between women, by which, even if said group of women have no prior connection with one another, they will by instinct conspire against a man they do not like. (usage) DK: I was talking to my dad about how this girl I went out with was complaining about every single little thing and my mother said she's right without even hearing what it was about. CS: That's the woman machine kicking in.
Woman Moment - (definiton) Referencing an action a man would not do. It is very subjective to the speaker, but a general sense of what qualifies as a woman moment will is instinctive and will be revealed relatively quickly in the user's mind. (usage) CS *sends KP an X post about a woman cheating on a guy with the guy's sister* DK: Woman moment.
"All I need is a cheeseburger, pussy, and a cigarette..." -
The 3 essential things for the survival of an SM. Based on the legendary words of the antagonist (read: Hero) of Far Cry 3, Vaas.
"Don't worry about it!" -
The answer to everything in life. Am I plotting something? Don't worry about it! How will I make rent this month? Don't worry about it! Will war happen? Don't worry about it!
"How is WW supposed to know?" -
Said exclusivelly by WW himself. Usually in response to being asked a question, or to "Why do you do this to DK?"
"If it's alright/Gucci with you guys!" -
A classic Gogg line, said when he suggested doing anything, especially us paying him money for the drinks he said he will get us in the bar he worked at. The SM developed a culture of buying each other shit and never asking for compensation, as it would come back around eventually. Gogg was the outlier to that.
"In Russia we know this" -
The jokey version of "This is known", based on the Tucker Carlson interview of Putin, where Putin talked about Russian history for hours and claimed all of it is common knowledge.
"It's a really good deal" -
Said by Gogg unironically following the worst fucking deal you've ever heard. Like, seriously, who the fuck thinks £15 for a medium buritto is a "good deal"? How disconnected from reality do you have to be. Anyway, now it's used on purpose by the SM to label something as a bad deal.
"Kier Starmer's Britain" -
As a resident of the United Kingdom all of your problems in your daily life can be traced back to Two Tier Kier in one way or another. Whenever something goes wrong, you drop your cigarette butt on the ground and get fined £100 (DK knows all about this), your former friend sues you for something you never did (WW knows all about this), or every piece of tech fails on you every single time without fail (I know all about this), remember: This is Keir Starmer's Britain. That's the reason shit's fucked.
"Pull up the etymology of that" -
This means exactly what it appears to mean. For some reason we really enjoy looking into the etymology of words. This has become a common phrase.
"This is known." -
Often said after stating some niche information, or an outright lie.
"Why do you do this to DK?" -
I don't even know why the fuck he started saying this, but this was the beginning of DK referring to himself in the third person. Usually said in response to doing anything slightly negative to him, like asking him to come out while he's playing a game.
"You're/I'm looking stupid" -
When those around you are smoking or drinking, and your hand is empty, you're looking stupid. The surrounding SMs are obliged to fix that.